There is an old saying dating back to at least the 1st century BC and it takes on a few forms – among others:
- Tempest in a teapot
- Storm in a teacup
- Tempest in a glass of water
It is an idiom meaning that an event has been exaggerated and it is not nearly as serious as you think it is. It is a belittling of events or someone’s experience.
As a child I had heard someone say of an event, “It’s just a storm in a teacup from God’s perspective.”
I have, since then, always viewed that idiom in that light.
On a trip to Thunder Bay in Ontario, Canada, I found this lovely vintage cup and saucer and bought it to commemorate my first trip into Canada. It was my personal expression of “Storm in a Teacup”. A lovely cup with the words “Thunder Bay” inscribed inside. I have it on display as a constant reminder that The Lord is watching and knows everything and He is bigger than any situation.
We are not to belittle what someone is going through, the pain they may be suffering or pretend that what they are feeling and experiencing is of no value. Quite the opposite.
Paul writes to us in Romans 12:15:
“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” (KVJ)
I have found that as I grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, that He always has us in His hands even in the darkest hours of our experiences when we think He is nowhere to be found, or feels as though He is far from us.
These are the times when I need to remind myself that what I am going through is a real storm, a real experience, real pain and real circumstances. Even so, The Lord is viewing it as a “Storm in a Teacup” – not belittling us, but rather holding us while the storm is raging. God is fully aware of how big the storm appears to us, but wants us to remember how big He is.
Give the Lord all the praise and glory for Who He is and how big He is regardless of the storm. The storm will cease and peace can be yours during the storm and in the calm afterwards. Be encouraged!
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35 KVJ)