Keep Your Eyes on the Anchor

12 May 2022

The Kingdom of God is advancing

There is a mighty army rising up across the world as more and more people walk in their identity and destiny and walk in their authority as sons of God. There is a sense that the war is intensifying and I hear the Lord say:

“Do not be dismayed. Do not be discouraged. I have overcome. The battle has already been won. Do not even look at the circumstances. Do not even look at what is happening around you, don’t even consider what is going on around you. Fix your eyes on Me.”

I saw myself in Father God’s cupped hands and there was a storm raging all around, but I was safe and secure, untouched by the raging storm as I was held in His hands

The sense I got was that we are going to ride the “wave”.

Then I saw Father’s cupped hands change into the Ark. I saw that I was in the Ark that Noah built. As I was looking at this, I noticed something about the Ark. I noticed that there were no windows on the side of the Ark.

If I was the designer of the Ark, I would have put windows down the side, at least on one of the levels. I did notice that there were small (small in comparison to the size of the Ark) windows at the very top. I also noticed that Noah and his family were not able to see any of the “chaos” going on in the “world”. They would not have been able to see the people in distress, those people drowning, screaming for help as the destruction of the rain, floods and storm came.

When Noah and his family wanted to look out of the Ark, all they would have been able to see would have been the sky, the heavens. Noah was riding on top of the storm and he could only gaze upwards.

The Ark represents salvation, redemption and promises of God. We remain in Christ and what He accomplished on the cross for our redemption and in the promises that God has made to us in His Word and to us individually and to keep our gaze heavenward, fixed on Him and what He is doing.

Do not be dismayed. Do not be discouraged. Keep your eyes on Him. Keep your eyes on what God is doing. Do not focus on what the enemy is doing, but keep your eyes fixed on what He is doing, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

The Lord sent us on an outreach on 26 February – 13 March 2022. One of the reasons that we were sent on this outreach was to minister the Good News to an old work colleague of mine, which meant travelling from Sydney (NSW) to Tewantin (QLD) which is about 1100km car trip.

As we were preparing for the trip, the Lord made it very clear that we were not to look at any weather forecasts. I did not know why at the time and I also knew that we had to be obedient to this or the journey was going to be compromised.

When we began our journey from Sydney it also began to rain in Sydney that day. The rain became heavier and heavier as we were travelling north. We stayed overnight in Port Macquarie which was just less than halfway. We woke in the morning and where we were staying, the couple who were hosting us had the early morning news on in their bedroom.

I could not hear what was being said on the news, but I knew it was bad news about the weather. I knew that I was not to take any of this information to heart. The couple hosting us were very angry at us for even considering to continue our journey northward. But we knew that it was God’s plan that we were to go north. We left this place as quickly as we could because we did not want this “storm to get inside us.”

1 Samuel 17 describes the event of David facing Goliath. David had a relationship with a covenant keeping God. When he went to take food to his brothers on the front line (1 Samuel 17:17-18) and saw the Philistine taunting the army of the Living God. David was able to face this giant because the “war did not get into him.” On the other hand, the Israelites saw this giant and how fearsome he appeared and were listening to what enemy was saying:

And the Philistine said, “I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together.” When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid. – 1 Samuel 17:10-11 (NKJV)

The war got into the Israelite soldiers and they were ineffective. I knew that we could not allow the “storm” to get inside us. We also had to ignore all the text messages we were receiving from people who were watching the “bad news” and sending us images of the floods and messages trying to convince us that if we continued we were going to die.

At one stage, very briefly, I saw the water in flood. I knew I could not let the “storm get inside me.” Each time I looked to Father for direction, I would hear Him say in my spirit, “Keep going.”

As we continued travelling we were approaching a large bridge. As I saw this bridge ahead I heard the Lord speak clearly to me in my spirit, “Do not look to the right or to the left, keep your eyes ahead and fixed on the goal that is set before you.” It was very tempting to look either side to see what was happening with all this rain, at the same time, I remembered the event written in Genesis 19 when Lot and his family were told not to look back. It did not end well with Lot’s wife when she disobeyed and looked back (Genesis 19:26). I knew I had to obey by not looking to the left or the right.

We arrived at our destination and everyone was amazed as to how we got through. My friend, whom the Lord made clear we were to minister to, sent me a message after she found out that we arrived in Tewantin, asked, “How did you get through?”

My reply to her was, “God always has a way, my sister! He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, He made a way for us!” I found out later that it had been raining heavily non-stop for 4 days when we travelled through Brisbane and the water was lapping below that large bridge where the Lord made it clear that I was not to look left or right. I realised that if I did look and if I did see the flood waters that high up, the storm would have got inside me at that moment. It would have been what it was like seeing Goliath – how big he was and the size of his armour as described in 1 Samuel 17:4-8

This is what I sense Father saying to us right now, “Do not look to the right or the left, but keep your eyes ahead, fixed on the goal that is set before you. Keep your eyes heavenward. Keep your gaze on the Author and Finisher of your faith.”

And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”­ – Matthew 14:28 (NKJV)

Note: Peter did not get out of the boat until He heard Jesus give him the command to come to Jesus. Only after Jesus commanded Peter to come to Him did Peter get out of the boat to walk on the water. Peter’s obedience to the Lord’s command caused Peter to operate above the natural laws of nature.

So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” – Matthew 14: 29-31(NKJV)

We keep our eyes fixed on Him and He will carry us through. Noah and his family were in the Ark and the Lord carried them.

Noah was obedient in building the Ark. He obeyed the Lord right down to the finest detail in building the Ark. God commanded Noah to build and exactly how to build the Ark and Noah’s obedience kept him and his family safe.

Do not look to the right or the left. You will see the separation of those who truly believe in God and His Word and those who walk in fear, doubt and unbelief. A separation is taking place. Those who truly believe in God and walk in His ways will be separated out from those who do not.   

Fix your eyes on Father God, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Fix your eyes on Him. You are going to ride this wave.

After receiving this message from Father, someone sent me this message by Dr David Gibbs, “Listen to the Voice” spoken at Temple Baptist Church posted onto YouTube on 26 May 2022.

Listen to the voice David Gibbs Temple Baptist Church By Temple Baptist – YouTube